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3-Day Ration Kits...

I had put together ration kits awhile back for my 3-day pack and made a few spares for sustainment kits that can be included in resupply drops while out in the field or cached to be picked up. But I recently started thinking of ways to do it on the cheap side and utilize them for Scouts, backpacking trips, and for Minuteman setups. This one that I put together I had done to put in the long range patrol pack I'd been working on!

The food...


-Quaker Oats Peanut Butter Square Bars (250 calories each X3)

-Coffee (zero calories X3 servings)


-Nut Clusters w/Blueberries & Raspberries (420 calories each X3)

-Dried Fruit Mixes w/Cashews (340 calories each X4)

-Dried Pineapple (160 calories each X2)

-Granola Bars (Variety 200 calories each X9)

-Pepperoni Beef Sticks (90 calories each X3)


-Ramon Noodles (380 calories per package X3)

-Beef Jerky (80 calories each X4)

Total Calories per day equals 2,267 (or 6800 calories for a 3-day package)… Everything (besides stove) in this kit was found at the local Dollar store, so it can easily be done on a budget.

This ration pack covers 1 Minuteman for 3 days worth of sustenance in the field. This particular pack allows for 1 hot meal a day but can be tailored to the end user if a hot meal is not an option.

For extended outings, you just add another ration pack if needed. Time of year and AO may determine different needs, but in the long run that is up to the end user. That was the way I was planning the load for a long range reconnaissance patrol pack.

How I have it packaged to pack (3-days worth)...

Contents of these 3:

-Ramen Noodle pack

-Tuna in foil pack

-Imperial Nuts fruit/nut mix

-Imperial Nut protein mix

-Cliff bars (x3)

-Slim Jims (x4)

-Instant coffee (x4)

-Lemon/tea mix (x2)

Each individual bag in the kit also includes an extra freezer size zip lock bag for water gathering, garbage, or whatever...

This is just a personal preference of mine for contents.

At the end of the day the idea is to have a one day ration pack for in your 24 hour pack or butt pack and then keep a full 3-day ration kit in your patrol pack or 3-day pack. If you're setting up for a long range patrol or extended outing then you would add what you feel you need to accomplish your mission or task. Minimal water is needed for prep and the bulk of the kit can be eaten on the move.

Little video I had done explaining my ration kits...

I know food isn't sexy or tactical cool, but it is necessary for survival.


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