What's in your pockets? Simple question, right...

I took the British smock loadout concept and minimized it to work with a BDU field shirt.

Right bicep pocket:
-ferro rod w/striker
-lighter wrapped in duct tape
-wet fire tinder

Right chest pocket:
-Boo-boo kit
-red pen light

Left chest pocket:
-Compass w/mirror
-Map of AO

Left bicep pocket:
-write in Rain notebook w/pencil
-black sharpie
-chemlight with cord for a buzzsaw

The idea here with this is to have the bare survival essentials on your body in case you are separated from your kit. Most items are dummy corded in the pockets to prevent accidental loss. Essentially, think about what you would want on your body in an escape & evade scenario and setup your on body kit accordingly.