You all know my love for the old Soldier of Fortune magazine covers! Man those were the days of unapologetic reports from the field far and wide. I started using them as inspiration for monthly projects that I was working on or to just make light of things happening in our world.

Well, I think it's time to retire the use of the SOF name and come up with my own unique name for these monthly publications, so I introduce to you "The Minuteman"...

We will use this for highlighting upcoming content and projects, to put a spotlight on companies and other content creators that help and inspire me, and to make light of events and comments that surround us. I will put these out once to twice a month depending on what is going on. So make sure to follow me on YT, Rumble, IG, and to support my many affiliates and my fellow content creators that are working hard to help guide and inspire you all to get better prepared!