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Tarp Shelters
Shelter from the elements (wind, rain, snow, sun, heat, cold, etc) is an often overlooked aspect of training and preparedness in the...
Jul 12, 20232 min read

24 Hour Patrol Kit Contest
24 Hour Patrol Kit Subscriber Contest Watch the contest roll out and rules here... Mission This is your Mission if you choose to accept...
Jun 6, 20232 min read

BDU Field Shirt Loadout
What's in your pockets? Simple question, right... I took the British smock loadout concept and minimized it to work with a BDU field...
Jun 2, 20231 min read

New Monthly Magazine Cover...
You all know my love for the old Soldier of Fortune magazine covers! Man those were the days of unapologetic reports from the field far...
May 21, 20231 min read

Introducing MODERN MINUTEMAN Merchandise...
I get asked quite a bit about merchandise so I created a storefront at TeeSpring called The Modern Minuteman Gear Closet....
May 15, 20231 min read

Rifle Painting
To paint or not to paint, that is the age old question on painting ones rifles. I never gave it much thought until last year when I dove...
May 2, 20232 min read

In 1887, the J. Steven Arms & Tool Co. developed the modern day 22 Long Rifle cartridge. The success of this tiny rimfire cartridge is...
May 2, 20233 min read

Lights for in the field
A reliable light source is essential for the outdoorsman. Lights can be used for so many reasons. It helps us find our way at night,...
Mar 24, 20232 min read

Minuteman Gear Review: OneTigris Shooting Gloves
I was sent these gloves a few weeks ago and let me tell you, these are solid shooting gloves! The more I wear them the better they get!...
Mar 1, 20231 min read

Dad Hats, AK's, and More...
There is just something about the AK platform that I find appealing! Maybe it's because of the nostalgia it gives me from shooting with...
Feb 18, 20231 min read

Minuteman Ready Room
If you're like me you store your gear in totes, closets and storage spaces that aren't always convenient for today's "Modern Minuteman"...
Feb 6, 20232 min read

My favorite gear from 2022
We all have our favorite pieces of gear, from rifles to packs to chest rigs to clothing! Here are some of my favorites that I either got...
Dec 31, 20221 min read

Modifying Your Gear
Sometimes we have pieces of kit that need a tweak here or there to work perfect for what our intended use is for it. It's something that...
Dec 31, 20221 min read

The Battle Belt
Your battle belt is your most basic of load carriage kit I like to think of it as my immediate work station. It supports your sidearm and...
Sep 14, 20221 min read

The PATROL part 3: Patrol Methods and my Long Range Patrol Pack
In this video we continue our patrol discussion by going over one of several patrolling methods and we take a look at a long range patrol...
Aug 27, 20221 min read

My Smersh LBE setup!
After several months of use I'm more sure than ever that, for my use, the Smersh LBE rig is a winner for foot patrols that last 24-48...
Aug 17, 20222 min read

Field Comms (Communication Kit)
Comms are an important part of your kit. Intersquad comms and squad to base comms are invaluable for being able to share and receive...
Aug 9, 20221 min read

Map and compass use is one of the most overlooked skill sets and a perishable one as well if not regularly practiced. Today we have GPS,...
Aug 7, 20221 min read

Fire Kit
Fire and the ability to make a fire, even in horrible conditions, is one of the big 3 survival priorities (fire, shelter, water). This is...
Aug 7, 20222 min read

Food is next in our discussion on Fieldcraft essentials. I mean who doesn't like to eat, right. But what kinds of food and how much makes...
Aug 7, 20222 min read
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