Sometimes we have pieces of kit that need a tweak here or there to work perfect for what our intended use is for it. It's something that has been done by troops worldwide for as far back as one can remember and much of the gear we see today is a result of guys modifying their gear in the field to make it work better for them!
Maybe you're simply painting a rifle to blend in better in the field:

Or what about painting gear like a chest rig:

Or maybe you need to winter camo your gear with some medical wrap, homemade overwhites, or add straps of white cloth to your gear for blending in better:

You can even go as far as modifying pocket placements on your field shirts to better utilize them when wearing packs, belt kit, or chest rigs/plate carriers (Raid Mod to BDU top):

At the end of the day, throwing money at a problem isn't always the best solution when some spray paint, a sewing kit, and some ingenuity can make your gear work for your needs.