There is just something about the AK platform that I find appealing! Maybe it's because of the nostalgia it gives me from shooting with my dad and uncle at a young age. It could be the pure simplicity of the rifle that draws me to it. The rustic design of wood on steel is always alluring to me. Maybe it's the sound of it or the overall feel of the rifle that draws me to it. I don't know what it is, but I do enjoying owning and shooting them!

I like older models of the AK. The pre-ban and ban periods saw some gems of surplus and imported rifles in the marketplace. The crates of AK's, SKS's, Galil's, HK 91's/93's, and more were plentiful at the local gun shows in the 80's...

I know there's the constant debate and what's best, the AR or AK? Is the "best" round the 7.62, 5.45, or 5.56? I can't answer that because I really don't care! I like both, I enjoy shooting both, so therefore I own both. Plain and simple! I don't look at it as a "Commie" weapon so much as a I do a historical weapon that has been the preferred rifle of our enemies for well over 50 years. It has an iconic status in the history of firearms and I think everyone should own one, or even two!

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