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Tarp Shelters
Shelter from the elements (wind, rain, snow, sun, heat, cold, etc) is an often overlooked aspect of training and preparedness in the...
Jul 12, 20232 min read

24 Hour Patrol Kit Contest
24 Hour Patrol Kit Subscriber Contest Watch the contest roll out and rules here... Mission This is your Mission if you choose to accept...
Jun 6, 20232 min read

BDU Field Shirt Loadout
What's in your pockets? Simple question, right... I took the British smock loadout concept and minimized it to work with a BDU field...
Jun 2, 20231 min read

New Monthly Magazine Cover...
You all know my love for the old Soldier of Fortune magazine covers! Man those were the days of unapologetic reports from the field far...
May 21, 20231 min read

Woods Bumming Loadout
What exactly is "Woods Bumming" and why do I need a loadout for it? This is actually a really good question and I think we have to look...
Mar 10, 20232 min read

Bushcamp Tour
I went out to my camp today to check for any damage from the Christmas storms that came through. This is a living/breathing camp that we...
Jan 10, 20231 min read

Fire Kit
Fire and the ability to make a fire, even in horrible conditions, is one of the big 3 survival priorities (fire, shelter, water). This is...
Aug 7, 20222 min read
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