Are you LARPing and do you even know what it is?

Getting out in the field and running drills isn't just for the super cool guys anymore. For a long time putting on kit and doing field exercises, running range drills, and conducting patrols was frowned upon by many in the Veteran community. But that attitude is changing amongst many who are embracing the Minuteman philosophy! Guys like John Lovell of the Warrior Poet and Garand Thumb are vets that embrace the idea of civilians owning and training in kit and even encouraging them to do so. But there is more to it than just dressing up in camo and "tactical" gear, LARping is more than that...
Getting out in the field with full kit is a way to work out what works and what doesn't work. So many try to emulate what they see on IG or YT but don't have a philosophy or real world use to apply it to. So you have the newest chest rig and battle belt that you saw Instructor Zero sporting (yeah I went there lol) but in the context of use it doesn't work for a 24 hour evasion scenario. How do you even find that out unless you get out into the field and try to work out some scenarios and such. How about shooting from different positions while wearing a full LBE and manipulating your gear while doing so? Only one way to truly find out, get out there and do it...
I've personally caught flak for LARPing... I know, right. Really? I mean "come on man"... If you're gonna take the Minuteman philosophy seriously then you have to be willing to put in the work. Come up with a mock scenario and play it out. Get others to take part. I video tape a lot of things concerning range drills and field exercises to gain information when reviewing on what I did wrong. To learn from making mistakes. Things like fumbling mag changes, dropped mags, loud noises, bad communication, timing delays, camouflage effectiveness, and so on and so forth. I have a couple of friends that I'll send video to for their professional critique and their feedback is invaluable.
So I guess what I'm saying is "Wear Your Kit Kings" and don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't be LARPing. LARP away and get good at it!
