Sometimes as we get older we ask ourselves if we've "still got it"... I know I ask myself this alot and try to continually challenge myself (mentally and physically) to see. More a sense of self pride than anything else. So I found out about an endurance race called the Norwegian Foot March and then found out BGSU's Ranger Club was hosting one so I decided to sign up for it.

The march was first held in 1915 as a test of marching endurance for soldiers in the Norwegian Army. A strategic goal was to be able to move larger units of troops over a great distance swiftly and in a manner that enabled them to efficiently be prepared for combat – even after the march by carrying their rucksack /weaponry of 11 kg. The test is a 30 km (18.64-mile) march (march/run) with a rucksack weighing 11 kg (24.25 lbs).
97 people participated, I was 1 of 3 civilians and the second oldest overall. My age group (which I was the only one) had to do it in 4 hours and 40 minutes. I came in at 4 hours and 27 minutes (which was the time frame for the 20 to 34 year olds). A representative from the Norwegian Ministry of Defense was present to hand out certificates and medals for those who hit the standard.

I'm not gonna lie, it was hard. I hadn't done anything that difficult in quite awhile, but even though I'm not the fastest nor the strongest anymore, I still probably enjoy the journey more than most! Cause that was really what doing this was all about, the journey!

Oh, and I still got it!